How do I find my MPRN Number?

What is an MPRN? 


Before you can locate your MPRN, it’s important to know what it is and why it is important. A Meter Point Reference Number (or MPRN) is a unique 11 digit number that is linked to your electricity connection and meter – it is used to identify your address that is supplied with electricity. It will never change and is unique to your home and meter, rather than yourself or your electricity supplier.

In Northern Ireland the first two digits are always 81.


Why is the MPRN number important?


The MPRN is used to identify the exact location of a property’s connection to Northern Ireland’s electricity network, so it is essential in the case of reporting any issues to NIE Networks. You will also require the MPRN if you wish to change supplier or are getting an electricity connection to a new premises.


How to find my MPRN


The MPRN will be clearly displayed on the first page of your electricity bill or statement. If you can’t find a previous bill or have recently moved home or don’t have access to any bills, there are other ways to find out your MPRN number. For those living in rental properties, you can try contacting the landlord. For those living in purchased properties, the previous inhabitants may be able to help you. If your property is a new build and part of an estate, the builder should have the number.

If you still have trouble finding the MPRN numbers you can contact NIE Networks on 03457 643 643.


Switching to a better energy deal


If you are comparing deals and wish to switch electricity suppliers then you will need the MPRN number for the property. It’s a good idea to make a note of the MPRN so it is at hand when switching to a better deal.


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